Friday, August 28, 2009

The Things People Did NOT Tell Me

This week I decided to be a superstar. School has started back and so has multi-tasking. I had a great run on Tuesday-over FIVE miles...and although I thought they may need to amputate my legs from the knee up, I was pretty proud of myself. So proud that I decided to walk my daughter to school and then walk across the street to the gym. I then proceeded to do maybe a hundred lunges-with weights of course-and then squats. My once sprightly gait has been replaced with my "old lady and the walker shuffle." Holy mother-f-ing shit I am sore.

But this is not the worst part...since I have been upping my miles-and thanks to a serious KICK ASS running play list on my iPod, I have really picked up my pace too. My running partner definitely has taken note when I've got a great beat going. If you know me, and if you are reading this blog I hope you do, then you know I am not shy so I am just gonna spit out. Running makes you sick to your stomach. Not like "ugh, I don't feel like going today" sick to your stomach, I am talking "there better a bush nearby or I need to wear a diaper" sick to your stomach. You know how no one told you what exactly was going to be coming out of your body for the next few weeks after you had a baby? This is the same deception...I had no idea but have come to find out this is pretty common. I asked around...and evidently crap and running go hand in hand. So, that kinda sucks ass if you know what I mean!!:)

The second thing I have learned, is the days I run I am so hungry I could eat my young and probably yours. Again-I was looking at this as a weight loss program...but I guess between what I am taking in and what is coming out-literally-maybe I am Even Steven.

All in all it has been a good week and I am freaked out about the really long run tmw morning. This is the start of the serious ones and I am tired already thinking of it. Thank goodness where we run is lined with hotels and apartments-do you think they will let me in to use the bathroom?

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1 comment:

  1. You will do great! I love the blog and think you have potential as a stand-up if this blog thing doesn't get you anywhere.

    Remember to breathe...Keep the updates coming. XO - Amy
