So-what to do? Hmmm....I was on the fence. I am a HUGE procrastinator with a complete lack of follow through. Excellent combo, huh? Even so I have been positively going stir crazy the past few years. When you have babies/toddlers, it is so easy to put yourself on the back burner. After all, the kids need you. Who else is going to wipe their snot, clean their asses, prepare healthy foods, and nurture the entire mind, body, and spirit of your child if not for you? Well, all that was good for a while. Needless to say I have had this insatiable desire to actually do something for myself. Crazy I know...but I can't help but feeling that life is fleeting and you gotta try to live it a bit.
So where does running a 1/2 marathon come into this? Well, I have had the goal of completing a marathon for many years and have successfully managed to come up with awesome excuses not to do it and not make myself feel badly about it either. But, like a bad case of herpes, it keeps coming back. It was either that or get my Ph.D and a very simple cost analysis told even my borderline retarded math self "go for the marathon."
Well, if I was going to wake up REALLY early in the morning to actually run, I figured I may as well help someone besides myself along the way. I am a huge believer in karma and paying it forward. So...what has affected me the most personally? Probably what has affected most people-cancer. The Big C. My bff, my amazing father-in-law, my family-usual list of suspects as cancer seems to know no age, race, or reason. So I decided to run for Team in Training. They help me help others. It's a win-win. When I think about all the people I know have been through with cancer, getting my fat ass out of bed at 5am (after a few too many cocktails the night before) hardly seems like a big deal. If you know anyone suffering through cancer-no matter what kind-or have lost someone to it...I hope you will consider helping me to change the life of someone living with the battle right now.
So-keep checking back and see how I am doing. Average housewife just trying to make a difference...feel free to share comments, suggestions-you can keep your criticisms to yourself-and inspirations.
Not charging you to read my blog....but feel free to donate to the cause at:
OMG! It's 5:00AM and, as usual, I'm just killin' time and I run across your blog. I knew you're doing this TNT Marathon and I just want to say how proud I am of you. You're doing a really great thing and I know you will suceed at this. You are an amazing mommy and now you'll be an amazing athlete. Keep going girl. Love ya!