Ok...so when you know you have to wake up at 5am, you tend to think every time you get up to pee in the middle of the night that it is 5am so you are kind of laying in wake of the anticipation. Yes I have kids, but let's just say my kids sleep later than even I do. Right now it is Sunday morning at 9:30...they are still sleeping. Don't hate on me-I worked hard to get great sleepers. So this is why the waking up early thing is a big deal to me.
But, when I hear the beep I bound out of bed and am ready to go. I have decided to run with a friend for fear of abduction, rape, murder-the normal variety of things that can happen to you when not a single witness is out on a very dark street in practically the middle of the night. The great thing about her is that she does not want to talk. When I am running, I don't want to talk. It is the only time in my life this is true. I just really want to stay alive and breathe and that is what I have to focus on. So, we agree to don our headphones and not even pretend to be interested in anything we have to say to one another. A perfect partnership.
The first day we set out it is uneventful-we feel pretty good after about three miles and although I am dying for new sneakers as I feel like an old woman-oy vey my ankles, my knees...we decide to meet again two days later.
So-for those of you who know me-you know that I operate in only two modes-black or white. I have no gray. I don't like anything rather I love it or hate it. Things are either right or wrong-you get the idea. Did I also mention that I tend to throw myself into something rather quickly without really thinking about the consequences? Yeah-I do that too. I am the best starter on any project. I am your go to girl for "OMG Let's totally do this" and then I pretty much peter out and quit. Like I said, besides my kids, husband, and my job, I commit to nothing. But I recognize it, so it is all good. It is only a problem when you don't realize it, right?
So, if I am going to run 13 miles, well, damn-I expect to do it that day. So we set out and we are feeling great, so great in fact that we decide to keep going. Uh...not the best idea. Especially when one of us has three kids at home and has to be at a very important job at a very specific time. I learned that walking a mile home on a mosquito infested morning is the price I pay for being too ambitious. That and the feeling that I was going to literally stroke out, along with the fact that I am so sore I cannot sit on the toilet. We decide to be more realistic, get new shoes, actually eat or drink something before we run and have a plan.
The required run by the beach on Saturday was beautiful. I am by no means a joiner-I hate groups and I will pretty much run away from anything "organized." However, my team mates in TNT are pretty cool I have to say and it is sad hearing many of their stories of people in their lives. Some people have some serious shit to bear. I mean, how do you get Hodgkins and Cervical Cancer diagnoses in the same month? It really motivates me and although in any other part of my life I would never single these people out, we are all there at 6:45 on a Saturday to do something. Before you think me of having turned over a leaf of overall friendliness, let me say my first order of business was signing the Headphone Waiver. Yeah, I don't want to talk to them either while I run. A high five in passing in all they are getting for now.
Feel motivated to help me get to week two???
go to: http://pages.teamintraining.org/sfl/wdw10/ksingerxn7